Saturday, 17 November 2012


This weekend started out on a great note. The gf and I were up bright and early (well earlier than our usual) and had a late breakfast in town before trundling down Orchard to stop by various places to check out supplies. There was a book fair going on in Bras Basah complex so it was busier than usual.

Picked up a good book about colours for what I thought was a good deal only to find out it's original price in the US and realized probably wasn't as great as the 50% discount made it sound. The illusion of 50% discounts. Still happy with it because I've been scouting around for a book on colour to learn how to mix and match better. Lots of interesting colour combis I would have never have thought of.

After picking up some art supplies, we managed to just miss the crazy onslaught of rain and ran to the nearest mrt station in the nick of time.

Came home and had a burst of inspiration and starting drawing away on my newly bought card stock. Had a lot of fun with it and can't wait to list it up on Etsy.

Funnily enough I get these bursts of inspiration after I've been doodling around for awhile. They don't just hit me out of nowhere. I guess it's like working out at the gym, you only set new personal records after you've warmed up thoroughly, you don't just walk in and heave up the weight.

Streak, please continue tomorrow as well.

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