Caught the movie with the gf over the last weekend and had a really good time trying to catch all the possible foodimals and trying to make out what they were supposed to be. If I had a remote control that could stop it at every scene, I'd be that irritating guy stopping the movie every 5 seconds just to scan the screen to see if I missed any foodimal and then I'll rewind to make sure I managed to catch them all. I'll test everyone's patience for sure.
I was productive over the weekend and am pleased that I managed to finish one card. Took me the entire day to get the calligraphy just right but I'm glad it's done. Still thinking of adding more to it before sending it off to the printer's this Saturday. As usual, I look forward to the response.
Hoping to work on a couple of other Christmas themed cards but nothing is really inspiring me right now. I guess I'll need to be hit by a burst of creativity and then I'll have the inspiration to come up with new cards. It's funny how we get inspired by the most unlikely things.
Can't wait for the weekend!
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